
To be decided

(I apologise for my absolute lack of decision on the title)

This blog post is just a complete mash up of things as I've missed out so much since I last posted. The reason I haven't really posted anything is because my mum's been in hospital and I was sick with worry, then had to care for her when she was out. Therefore my MIA status is completely legit. But whilst I've been MIA I have been busy making things and selling things to earn a bit of money for uni, all because I didn't know if I could rely on my student finance to be sorted out by the time I get back to uni (Please don't even start me on student finance, very bad experience with them this year for me). But on that note... I'm moving to my new uni house on Saturday! So when it's all decorated, which will probably be Saturday afternoon knowing me, then there will be pictures to follow.

I thought I'd blog the cards I've been making recently, although some of them aren't particularly great I did say  I'd document pretty much everything I make on this blog. So here goes...

It's okay, all these people's birthdays have been and gone so if they do stumble across this post it'll be fine.

Oh and a discount code for anyone that happens to be reading this blog today... Missguided have a 10% sale on their knitwear today using KNIT at the checkout. I managed to grab myself a cheeky cardigan like the one I've wanted for a couple of years now, so that'll be featuring on here soon as well as my bargain from Next.

Speak to you soon!
Nikki, xo.


Twit twoo!

Say hello to Mrs Twoo! After seeing these owl cushions everywhere in those adorable interior and gift shops I was smitten with them. But as a student my purse strings have to remain quite tight, but as I needed one in my life I made her. There's a lovely lady on ebay who sells these kits for a fraction of the price of a complete cushion, so I bought one and off I went on my sewing expedition. Took a few days with on and off sewing but I'm proud of the outcome, and made a blue one for my boyfriend who we named Mr Twit and Mrs Twoo. Lovely :)

Love, Nikki.


Heart of gold

Well it's not quite a heart of gold... more like hearts of rice and lavender. But you know, gold would have been much more valuable... but not as good as preventing my smelly shoe hanger! However, making the hearts wasn't quite the experience I expected it to be, I'd sewed up the hearts right sides together with a little gap for turning right side out and filling... I hadn't even thought how I'd fill the hearts! Cue the handmade funnel out of a bit of jotter pad paper. It did the job... even if lavender and rice ended up all over the floor. Less waffling and time to unveil the results:
Adorable? I think so! I'm going to try and make some with loops on so I can hang them on my hangers next, but that's just another thing added to my long to-do list!

Love, Nikki.


Let everything else float on by

This week I've been pretty much alone, I've come home for the Summer from university so everyone else in my family is still occupied with work and school, what a snooze fest. But saying that, it has let me get on with fitness DVDs and do some sewing in peace and quiet. I wore a completely perfect outfit the other day for such an occasion of slobbery:

Light and comfy, and when the not so summery night began to draw in I just chucked on a denim shirt and hey presto. The racer back top is from urban outfitters and I'm absolutely in love with the top plus the leggings combo. I can see it becoming one of my summer wardrobe staples.
But anyway, onto a success story. I completed a scatter cushion! A cupcake tapestry with crochet lace... My first cushion! It's rather wonky but I'm sure it'll look absolutely fine once it's been stuffed to the brim! The tapestry was a gift from my boyfriend and the cushion an old one that needed a bit of a makeover. I only had to buy the crochet trim and the stuffing which came to £5.39 all together, pretty cheap for a unique cushion I'd say! I'm so happy with the result.
But now I've finished my first sewing project I just can't stop, and I'm in the middle of doing two cross stitches which I'll be able to photograph once they've been completed. It gives me something to do!